Wednesday, September 6, 2017

D is for Drawmij

Drawmij is an archmage, and a member of the wizardly conclave known as the Circle of Eight.

Drawmij is 58 years old in 585 CY, although he appears to be a young man in his late twenties or early thirties. His hair is sandy blond and his eyes are so blue that they’re nearly purple. He stands six feet tall and weighs 172 pounds. His features possess an undefinable unsettling quality, and more than a few of those who know him have perceived something subtly different about him each time they meet – the shade of his eyes, his height, even the thickness and curl of his hair. Rary calls these his “troubling inconsistencies.”

Drawmij wears magical robes of cool colors, favoring elven designs.

For the last decade or so, Drawmij has focused on the theories of chronomancy, magic involving the manipulation of time. He has grown increasingly eccentric of late.

He has a close connection to Duke Luschan of Gradsul, who may be a relative of his. Drawmij also spends time with the Hierophant Sverdras Meno, a druid of the Old Faith who oversees the Azure Sea.

Drawmij has many contacts among the minstrels and bards of Celene, though few in the capital of Enstad admit to knowing him. Drawmij has few known agents, but he knows much more about Keoland and its client states than it seems like he should.

Drawmij has an enduring hatred of Jaran Krimeeah, the Mage of the Valley of the Mage, and is forever trying to persuade other members of the Circle of Eight to help him kill the wily archmage once and for all. Jallarzi Sallavarian has suggested to Otto that Drawmij’s true enmity is for Tysiln San, Jaran’s mistress, though the reasons for this are unknown.

Drawmij only grudgingly accepted the addition of Warnes Starcoat and Alhamazed to the Circle of Eight, and argued against the inclusion of Theodain Eriason. Since losing that fight, however, he has treated Theodain’s presence with bland acceptance.

Drawmij is reputed to live in a cavernous underwater fortress beneath the Azure Sea, 150 miles south of Gradsul in Keoland, where he deals with merfolk, whales, dolphins, and many other denizens of the ocean. This fastness was once the dwelling of the druid Sverdras Meno. He visits the Free City of Greyhawk as little as possible, finding it stifling and distasteful, but visits Gradsul regularly. Drawmij possesses a magical metal boat he can pilot underwater.

Drawmij is responsible for developing the commonly known spell Drawmij’s instant summons.

Drawmij has also developed the following additional spells:

Drawmij’s adventurer’s luck

Drawmij’s beast of burden

Drawmij’s beneficient polymorph

Drawmij’s breath of life

Drawmij’s flying feat

Drawmij’s handy timepiece

Drawmij’s instant exit

Drawmij’s iron sack

Drawmij’s light step

Drawmij’s marvelous shield

Drawmij’s merciful metamorphosis

Drawmij’s protection from nonmagical gas

Drawmij’s scent mask

Drawmij’s swift mount

Drawmij’s tool box

Drawmij is known to have authored the following works:

Repertoire of Illustrious Conjurations

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