Sunday, January 6, 2019

Vehicle: Night Monarch Vardo

Night Monarch Vardo

Aura strong conjuration and transmutation; CL 13th
Price 22,750 gp
Weight 400 lbs.


Varisians prize these brightly colored wagons for their usefulness in transport and consider them a sign of Desna’s favor. 10 feet wide by 20 feet long, a night monarch vardo functions as a magically treated Heavy Wagon (hardness 10 and 240 hit points). However, the inside is larger than its outside dimensions. Two additional rooms equivalent in size to the first are accessible from the interior of the wagon and are treated as extradimensional spaces. The atmosphere in these adjoining rooms is clean, fresh, and warm regardless of outside conditions. Each has a capacity of 5,000 pounds and 1,000 cubic feet.

A greater boon is revealed when an animal animated from a figurine of wondrous power is harnessed to the wagon. A night monarch vardo does not encumber these creatures, provided they are at least large size. Moreover, if the animated animal takes flight, the wagon can accompany the creature without hindrance. A night monarch vardo can even follow an obsidian steed during its plane shift and ethereal jaunt powers.

When a night monarch vardo is part of a caravan, use the following caravan rules statistics:
Traveler Capacity 6; Cargo Capacity 14
Limit 1; Consumption 1
Special Benefit +4 bonus to caravan’s Resolve


Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, mage's magnificent mansion, overland flight, creator must have 6 ranks in the Craft (carpentry) or Profession (wainwright) skill
Cost 11,375 gp

Source: RPG Superstar 2012 Open Call

GM Note

House Rule: Several modifications have been tried (some without success) to the night monarch vardo; each successful modification adds +1 to the vardo's caster level (remember this is not a construction requirement but rather provides the vardo's caster level for dispel magic checks. Here are some of the successes:

Adding the aeonian lantern spell to the​ vardo's construction requirements increases its price by 10,000 gp but adds an aeonian lantern to the vardo's interior.

Adding the alarm spell to the​ vardo's construction requirements increases its price by 2,000 gp but wards it as that spell.

Adding the augment object spell to the​ vardo's construction requirements increases its price by 6,000 gp but doubles its hardness and hit points and adds +20 to the break DC of the vardo.

Adding the dimensional stability spell to the​ vardo's construction requirements increases its price by 8,000 gp but stabilizes its interior (to include the addtional rooms) so that items that use an extradimensional space as a part of their function (cf. bag of holding) function normally.

Adding the disguise caravan spell to the​ vardo's construction requirements increases its price by 8,000 gp but it appears as a completely different vehicle allowing it to seamlessly blend in with the culture and environment around it. Remember it does not disguise those driving or riding in it.

Adding the greater alarm spell to the​ vardo's construction requirements increases its price by 4,000 gp but wards it as that spell.

Adding the hardening spell to the​ vardo's construction requirements increases its price by 12,000 gp but increases its hardness by 1 point per 2 caster levels of the vardo's caster level.

Adding the hidden caravan spell to the​ vardo's construction requirements increases its price by 8,000 gp but prevents it from being detected by all but magical means.

Adding the hidden lodge spell to the​ vardo's construction requirements increases its price by 10,000 gp but increases its interior, changing the right side additional room into a 30 x 30 foot chamber with a sturdy door and a small fireplace. It is furnished with eight bunks, a trestle table, eight stools, and a writing desk. If this spell is added to the vardo's construction twice, the left side chamber is altered to mirror the right side one.

Adding the improved unseen servant spell to the​ vardo's construction requirements increases its price by 4,000 gp but provides an improved unseen servant to assist with chores in the interior of the vardo.

Adding the ironwood spell to the​ vardo's construction requirements increases its price by 12,000 gp but increases its hardness by 10 to a total of 20 and gives it fire resistance 10.

Adding the greater ironwood spell to the​ vardo's construction requirements increases its price by 16,000 gp but gives it DR 5/adamantine and immunity to fire..

Adding the mage's private sanctum spell to the​ vardo's construction requirements increases its price by 10,000 gp but wards the interior as that spell

Adding the phantom driver spell to the ​ vardo's construction requirements increases its price by 6,000 gp but gives it a driver that makes all driver skill checks (no matter what skills are needed to drive the vehicle) as your caster level + your Intelligence modifier at the time you created the vardo.

Adding the phantom wagon spell to the​ vardo's construction requirements increases its price by 12,000 gp but give it the additional powers and capabilities of that spell (any improvement in an ability, capability, or power, use the better of the two).

Adding the planar navigation spell to the​ vardo's construction requirements increases its price by 18,000 gp but allows it to move from plane to plane as if a greater plane shift were cast upon it.

Adding the secret vault spell to the​ vardo's construction requirements increases its price by 16,000 gp but creates an extradimensional space that is accessible through a trapdoor in one of the vardo's three rooms. This vault is equal in size to 10 cubic feet per CL of the vardo. Once the location of this trapdoor is decided upon, it cannot be changed.

Adding the unseen attendant spell to the​ vardo's construction requirements increases its price by 2,000 gp but provides an unseen attendant to act as your valet while in the interior of the vardo.

Adding the unseen crafter spell to the​ vardo's construction requirements increases its price by 4,000 gp but provides an unseen crafter to assist in any crafting (magical or mundane) while in the interior of the vardo.

Adding the unseen servant spell to the​ vardo's construction requirements increases its price by 2,000 gp but provides an unseen servant to assist with chores in the interior of the vardo.

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