Friday, June 17, 2016

C is for Cabiri the Watching Master

Cabiri the Watching Master

One of the oldest obyriths in existence, Cabiri, the Watching Master, grants his summoners the ability to see in darkness or twilight, to observe others from afar, and to uncover potential foes.

Legend: In ages past when obyriths lorded the Abyss, the many-eyed tyrant known as Cabiri ruled a large swath of the layer now known as Pazunia, warring against rival lords such as Bechard, Pazuzu, and Ubothar. The Wtaching Master kept careful eyes on his rivals but spent most of his energy scrying the relatively unknown deeper levels of the Abyss. Some record of Cabiri's observations must have survived in the ruins of his long-abandoned keep, for the Fraternity of Order began its effort to catalog the layers of the Abyss following its exploration of the Watching Master's ruined stronghold.

When the Queen of Chaos called the obyriths to war agaisnt the Wind Dukes of Aaqa, she turned to Cabiri for advice many times, drawing upon his ability to divine futures by utilizing resources in the Abyss unguessed at by most of his kin. Near the end of the war, Cabiri foresaw the Queen's defeat, and fled the field of battle. This act may have ironically been the one that most crippled the Queen's forces and allowed for her Subsequent defeat, Cabiri fled to the depths of the Aybss and hid there for eons while he watched the obyriths suffer the humiliating defeat upon the Fields of Pesh, and the subsequent eladrin invasions that finished off so many of the survivors.

As Cabiri explored the depths of the Aybss, it is believed that he discovered some of the truth behind the creation of the obyrith race, a discovery that compelled him to resurface and seek out the obscure fiends known as the baernoloths. Whatever he confronted them with was enough for them to engineer his capture and subsequent imprisonment in the then-still-young Wells of Darkness. Yugoloths often visit Cabiri's well, more often than any other well in the layer, which suggests that his imprisonment remains of interest to these neutral evil fiends.

Special Requirements: Cabiri requires that his seal be drawn with blood, outside at night or during a solar eclipse.

Manifestation: One or more lights or areas of darkness in the sky above--the stars, the moon, or the solar eclipse--suddenly open, revealing a watching eye behind the lid of light. Under its baelful gaze, Cabiri's seal begins to dissolve into a puddle of blood. The puddle suddenly blinks, transforming the pooled blood into a ring of tiny eyes surrounding a single mouth that speaks with the sonorous voice of lost and distant souls.

Sign: An additional eye appears on your forehead, equidistant from your other eyes.

Influence: Cabiri hungers to see everything, no matter how horrifying or entrancing. You receive a +4 insight bonus on Will saves versus figments, but suffer a -4 penalty on Will saves versus patterns. You are not able to avert or close your eyes when confronted by a creature with a gaze attack.

Granted Abilities: Cabiri grants you his ability to observe others from afar, to perceive threats, and to see unhindered in conditions of twilight or darkness.

Arcane Eye: You can create an inivisible magical sensor at will, as though you had cast arcane eye (caster level equals your effective binder level). You can never create more than one arcane eye at a time, and you can dismiss or renew the effect as a standard action. Once you have used this ability, you cannot use it again for 5 rounds.

Far-seeing Gaze: Your spells and spell-like abilities of the scrying subschool gain a +10 bonus to their save DCs.

Seer in Darkness: You gain darkvision to 60 feet and low-light vision. If you already have darkvision, add 60 feet to the range.

Visions of Terror: You can share your terrible knowledge of existence with others. You can cast phantasmal killer, as per the spell, three times per day (caster level equals your effective binder level).

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