Saturday, June 18, 2016

Spell: Fly Like an Arrow

Fly Like an Arrow

Level: Assassin 4, Sorcerer 4, Wizard 4
BoXM: Wizard 7
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S, M (a small platinum arrow (1 inch long) valued at 500 gp.)
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 1 hour/level
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
Source: Dragon Magazine # 308, pg. 24

This spell allows the caster to fly at great speed. If the caster can fly (either with wings or from a spell or item), he can move at 10 times his normal fly speed, but only if he travels in a straight line and traveled the full distance of his normal fly speed in a straight line in the previous round. For example, a caster using the fly spell casts fly like an arrow. He must move 120 feet (double move) in a straight line on round one. Then, on the next round and all subsequent rounds he can move 1200 feet in a straight line. The caster can take no actions other than moving while using this spell, including such things as flyby attacks. If the caster ever stops, turns, or uses an action, his speed immediately returns to normal and remains so until he moves at full speed in a straight line for a round.
GM Note

House Rule: Added material component in place of the Dragon Magic feat. If the caster has the Dragon Magic feat no material component is required.

House Rule: Added Assassin 4 to Level.

House Rule: The definition of 'straight line' is exactly that: a straight line. Descending, ascending, straight up, are irrelevant. Normal rules apply for modifications in distance due to ascending/descending.

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