Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Location: The Ruins of Darkbridge Temple

The Ruins of Darkbridge Temple

The ruins are isolated in the desert and, like most sites of the vanished kingdom of Sulm, shunned by the nomads. This was once a place dedicated to the worship of Sulm's dark gods. Now in ruins, the site is said to be cursed, and the nomads claim that anyone who visits it will inevitably sicken and die. The above ground portion of the temple is known to harbor poisonous snakes and manscorpions. No one knows the extent of the underground portion of the temple, but ancient tales state that large numbers of sacrificial victims could be housed there, and that elaborate ceremonies were often performed. Recently, local nomads loyal to Rary have begun to experience unexplained disappearances and blame some malevolent force in the temple ruins. They beg their new king for aid.

DM's Notes: The underground complex harbors numerous undead, the remains of prisoners and temple priests, as well as a tribe of jermlaine and the usual array of dungeon scavengers. The disappearances do indeed originate at the ruins and are the work of the shadow dragon Smoke, who recently moved to the temple from the Abbor Alz. Smoke emerges at night to prey on surrounding lands and has so far managed to keep his existence a secret, but he may eventually come into conflict with Rary and Volte, the blue dragon of Dagger Rock.

Excerpted from Rary the Traitor, pg. 22

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