Sunday, January 17, 2016

Spell: Dimensional Wormhole

Dimensional Wormhole

Level: Sorcerer 7, Wizard 7
BoXM: Wizard 14
Components: V, S,M
Casting Time: 1 hour
Range: See text
Effect: One way dimensional conduit between two fixed points
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
Source: The Mage's Tower website

You trace out an intricate mandala with the powdered obdurium dust while chanting the first half of the mantra-like verbal component of the spell; upon completing the second half of the mantra at another point, you link them together in such a way that no magic or material can block travel between them.

This spell creates a permanent one-way dimensional conduit between two fixed points which allows teleportation between those points even when teleportation might be blocked by magical or other means (such as a forbiddance spell for example).

Each of the two points covers a 10 foot x 10 foot square area and the primary (anchored) end of the dimensional wormhole is marked with an unique, intricate invisible mandala-like pattern (see invisibility and any form of arcane sight will reveal the mandala and Spellcraft or Knowledge (arcana) check (DC 35) will reveal what it is but not where it is linked to. The second point must be visited within 12 hours of completing the mandala on the anchored end and the final verbal component uttered there.

The two points so linked do not in themselves provide any form of teleportation. The two points so linked do not need to be on the same plane.

Casters often cast this spell once at each point to provide two way teleportation between desired locations.

To teleport to the linked point at the other end of the dimensional wormhole, the caster must not only visual the desired location but also its unique mandala. Committing the mandala to memory requires careful study (which takes an hour) as well as a Spellcraft check (DC 35). The caster of the dimensional wormhold is not required to make this check.

In order to link a point that is already in a blocked area, the caster must begin casting dimensional wormhole (completing the first mandala) at the desired location within the blocked area and then, within 12 hours, complete the second half at other, nonblocked location. Failure to complete the spell within 12 hours causes the spell to fail. During this 12 hour time frame the spell slot used is unavailable and even resting will not make it availabe until either the second point is linked or the 12 hours have passed.

Some wizards use this spell as a trap by linking to a blocked area. Since the wormhole is one way, someone teleporting through it might be sent to a blocked area where teleporting out is not an option.
Once a dimensional wormhole is cast only the casting of a mage's disjunction at the anchored end of the wormhole cast sever the connection.

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