Thursday, January 21, 2016

Spell: Guide Craft, Greater

Guide Craft, Greater

Level: Sorcerer 5, Wizard 5
BoXM: Wizard 10
Components: V, S, M (an arrowhead)
CastingTime: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: See text
Duration: One hour/level
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
Source: The Mage’s Tower website

A cart, wagon, boat, or ship moves as you command. The vehicle can be no larger than 100 feet long + 20 feet per level (a 10th-level wizard can steer a 300-foot-long vessel). The craft must have its normal means of locomotion, or you may cast power craft. You do not need to concentrate to maintain this effect—so you could cast it on a horse-drawn wagon, command it to “go straight,” and take a nap. The horse will pull the wagon straight until you tell it otherwise or the duration ends.

Unlike guide craft, more complex instructions are possible. While the craft is affected by greater guide craft, it responds to situations and commands nearly as well as it would if you were actually at the controls (treat the craft as having half your Int and Wis scores and half your ranks in any relevant skills (Profession Navigator, Profession Sailor, etc.).
GM Note

The BoXM entry is for players playing in the Arcane Age of Greyhawk campaign. It is based on Monte Cook's Book of Experimental Magic. I cannot recommend it enough.

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